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General Notices


What is the LCAP?

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the accountability document for the Prop 98 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).  This new funding formula is to help California public schools support improved student outcomes and accountability based on local needs with measured progress toward annual goals.  LCFF requires that we think first about outcomes and plan differently.  Every school district must develop a three-year LCAP that achieves improved results for all students.

LCAP Public Documents

Additional documentation related to locally controlled expenditure plans is listed below:

School Accountability Report Cards

It is important to note that SARC reports are published using data from the previous school year.  Also, different school years had different language publishing requirements so there may be translations for specific sites available some years and not others.

Printed copies of any SARCs are available upon request. Please contact the district office at (209) 667-5701 or an individual school's office to obtain a printed copy.

Espanol: Las copias impresas de los SARC están disponibles a pedido. Comuníquese con el distrito al 667-5701 o con la oficina de la escuela para obtener una copia impresa.

For more information, please see the School Accountability Report Card homepage link below:
[Click Here]

All electronic School Accountability Report Card (SARC) documents are stored here.  Click the appropriate folder name below to view district reports from that year.


2018-2019 SARC Reports

2019-2020 SARC Reports

2020-2021 SARC Reports

2021-2022 SARC Reports

2022-2023 SARC Reports